
Case Studies
and Testimonials

Many of our clients have continued working with us for several years. It allows us to build strong working relationships where we really get to know their business and offer the best accountancy and business support. But don’t just take our word for it. Read some of our case studies and testimonials.

Case Studies

New Client Case Study


We were contacted by a potential new client whose accountant wasn’t responding to them. The accountancy paperwork had been despatched some time ago and the Companies House filing deadline was looming. They were extremely stressed and worried, unsure of how to proceed in the best interests of their business.

We discussed their frustrations with their current provider and established that they had started work on the accounts and VAT Return. Because the work had already begun, we recommended they talk to them and try and resolve the escalating issues with their relationship first. They did this and came to a compromise with deadlines for specific tasks. This would ensure the accounts would be filed on time and the outstanding tax paperwork would be completed and filed with HMRC within a reasonable time frame.

It turned out that we had many conversations over time. As the deadlines set weren’t met, ultimately, the relationship failed.

Unfortunately, the accountant wasn’t a member of a regulated accounting body. This meant there was no procedure for complaint if the late filing penalties incurred were due to the accountant’s failure. Following a legal route would have been the only option available, which could have proved costly and time-consuming.

We discussed the situation and the scope of work with the client and provided a quote and a sensible timescale to carry out the work. This was a complex scenario as we were taking partially completed works from someone else and completing the job ourselves.

However, most of the information required to bring the client up to date was received. This work covered personal tax, corporate tax, VAT, payroll and company accounts. In some cases it was for periods greater than one year.

Ultimately, we decided it was best to start again from the last correctly filed accounts at Companies House and take it from there using prime entry records.

Any differences between our records and the previous advisors were reconciled and any VAT returns with differences were subsequently corrected. We needed to contact the client on a few occasions to try and tie up some of the entries where perhaps paperwork hadn’t come through to us. It felt like a jigsaw puzzle without the picture and with pieces missing. But we got there in the end! The accounts were filed and all outstanding returns were completed and filed with HMRC.

The client is happy that they are now entirely updated with all taxes. We manage their VAT returns quarterly, monthly payroll company accounts and corporation tax, together with their personal tax returns. Our client doesn’t need to worry about anything apart from letting us have the VAT information on a quarterly basis and payroll monthly.

We remind them when we need to complete the work at the beginning of the month. We’ll remind our client during the month if we’ve not received the information when promised.

If we get to the last week before the filing deadline, we’re on the phone chasing to make sure the paperwork is with us and we can make the filing deadline. This ensures our client will not receive any HMRC late filing fines in the future.

Existing Client Case Study


An existing client called wanting to meet to discuss some issues they were facing. They were looking for advice on how to tackle them. Their concern was they wouldn’t make a profit in the financial year and wanted advice on what they should do moving forwards.

We always make ourselves available and reserve emergency appointment slots for our clients, so we were able to react and meet them very quickly.

They were experiencing:

  • Very low profitability in comparison to previous years
  • Staffing issues – A lack of skilled people to do the work
  • Adjusting post – Covid to a new way of working

We followed their work process, from quote to collection of monies at the end of a job, to see if we could identify any weaknesses in their systems.

We were able to establish that quotes were being prepared for work, which may start, in their words, ‘a few months in advance.’ Upon receipt of a quote, customers often called and negotiated a lower price to award the contract. Covid had a significant impact on a huge number of businesses and this company was no exception.

Work was accepted with a view to expanding the team when the contract commenced. When a lot of this work came to fruition in 2021, there was a lack of available skilled labour to carry out the contracts and wage rates had increased in the marketplace considerably.

In addition, raw material prices had increased way beyond what they usually do. This resulted in significantly lower profits and a distinct lack of skilled staff resources. Larger companies were also taking more extended credit periods. Once debt becomes old, the recovery rate reduces considerably, so potential bad debts were also an issue.

Administration staff were working on a hybrid system and technology wasn’t being embraced to its maximum to ensure tasks were being carried out in the most efficient way.

We reviewed the rates used in the quotation process, particularly those used for labour and overheads.

We encouraged the client to use higher rates and increase their prices when quoting.

Using forecasting techniques to suggest costs for materials and labour six months in advance demonstrated to the client how a rise of 2.5% to 5% would impact their bottom-line profits. We suggested they didn’t negotiate on quotes so much and look at additional technologies that might improve home working and communication.

We also suggested selecting a few Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor each month. This would help track the progress of the company in terms of performance.

It’s almost a year since that meeting and the client has followed our advice, increased their prices and not allowed hefty discounts. They have refused some contracts because the profit margin is just too low. Staff can cope with the contracts coming on board and profits have increased to reasonable levels despite labour and raw material prices continuing to increase.

The company bought additional technology and software to aid with debt collection allowing the administration team to set targets to recover the debt within certain timescales. The average time it takes a customer to pay has been reduced, improving the company’s cash flow.

We have assisted this client with their monthly management reporting and spent time with some finance team members to improve their accounting knowledge. We’ve ensured they understand their actions’ implications within the accounting software.

They are yet to implement the last piece of our advice but we are sure they will in the future. We recommend they review the final completed contract and look at the quoted profit versus the actual profit to identify discrepancies. This will enable more effective quoting for future work.

Personal Tax Client Case Study


We were approached by a relative of an elderly lady who had received a letter from HMRC. It suggested she may have breached the personal savings allowance threshold for the previous tax year and had tax to pay. They were, of course, very concerned and worried about the implications of this letter and were looking for someone to act swiftly.

We engaged the lady in the usual way, as soon as possible, and received all her financial information to prepare her personal tax return.
Our findings were that she did need to complete a tax return and there was an amount of tax to pay. This situation arose because she had changed the nature of her savings and investments and had not thought about any tax implications resulting from that decision. When it comes to savings and investments, capital gains can get complicated. We recommend anyone in a similar situation call us to determine whether it needs to be looked into.

Making Tax Digital (MTD) Client Case Study


We spoke with a self-employed client who makes her accounts up to December each year using manual books of account. We were preparing her 2021/22 Tax Return and wanted to let her know about the changes which were coming in for the self-employed and or those who have letting income with sales in excess of £10,000.

From the 6th April 2024, Making Tax Digital (MTD) is coming for everyone in this category.
Everyone within the relevant criteria must keep their records electronically and file them quarterly with HMRC. In addition, everyone will have to transition to a 5th April year end. They have said that the 31st March will also be acceptable.

We discussed the implications of this change for her business. She had concerns that she didn’t use a computer, so she wouldn’t be able to manage the electronic aspect of record keeping. We had two suggestions. Firstly, we could do her tax returns for her.

Secondly, we could train her to do it for herself. We suggested that she think about it and come back to us.


We are encouraging our clients to adopt electronic accounting before the changeover deadline and talk to us if they need help, either setting it up or with some training. The adverts on tv make it look and sound simple, but some clients have got into a real pickle and that can take quite a bit of time and money to correct.

As we explained to a plumber the other day. ‘We wouldn’t know where to start with plumbing a new bathroom, so why would you take on a new accounting software package and do your own accounts without training!’ Sounds harsh, but we don’t want our clients creating themselves an accountancy disaster. There is, of course, also the issue of whether the time is better spent working and earning money for their business rather than carrying out their accounting tasks.

Sometimes it’s best to outsource work. In this case, our friendly and professional Team at Rawlence + Browne were there to help them!


Richard Goodsman

Very professional and helpful. Wouldn’t use anyone else.


Brett Henry

I moved to Rawlence and Browne a few months ago and was worried about the whole process, the whole team have been amazing and made it very stress free for me and my business. I can’t recommend these guys enough, always there to help and explain things so I have a better understanding. I feela alot happier and content knowing they have my back.

Tim Horton

Great professional advise, nothing is to much trouble, the best accountants I have ever used.

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